Get help
# git help
# git help <command>
Configure system
# git config --system : Configures file /etc/gitconfig
Configure global
# git config --global : Configures user’s file ~/.gitconfig
List config options
# git config [--system,--global] --list
Edit config from editor
# export EDITOR=[chosen editor]
# git config [--system,--global] -e
Some important or useful config options
# git config --global “name”
# git config --global “email”
# git config --global core.editor vi
# git config --global help.autocorrect 1
# git config --global alias.lga “log –graph –oneline –decorate –all”
# git config --global color.ui auto
# git config --global core.autoctrlf input
# git config --global format.pretty oneline
Initialize repository
# git init
Get the stage status
# git status : Displays differences between the index file and the current HEAD commit
Add files to stage
# git add [name or regular expression]
# git add -u : Adds updated files to stage
# git add -A : Adds all files, included untracked ones. Add deletions and new files to stage
Commit changes
# git commit -m “[message]”
# git commit : Using the defined editor by config or EDITOR variable
# git commit -am “message” : Automatically adds updated files to stage
Revert to previous commit
# git revert [commit number] : Undoes to a committed snapshot
Show changes made in a commitment
# git show : Shows changes made in the last commitment
# git show [revision] : Shows changes made in the [revision] commitment
# git show HEAD~[n] : Shows changes made in the (HEAD–n) commitment
Check commit history
# git log
# git log --oneline : Compacted visualization
# git log --graph : Graphs actual branch
# git log --all : Shows all branches
# git log --decorate : Shows master, branches and tags in commits
Compacted log
# git shortlog : Shows authors and commitments made by them
# git log --format=short : Equal to git shortlog
# git shortlog -sne : Only shows summary, number of commitments and email address
Show differences between commits
# git diff [hash1]..[hash2] : Differences between snapshot’s hashes
# git diff HEAD~[num1]..HEAD~[num2] : Differences between num1 and num2 commits before HEAD pointer
# git diff HEAD~1.. : Differences between HEAD pointer and last commit
Recover file from repository after deletions
# git checkout [file] : By default, from HEAD version
# git checkout [branch or revision] [file] : Recovers file from branch or specified revision
Reset to commit
# git reset --hard : Resets the files to the HEAD status removing all the changes made from there
# git reset --hard [revision] : Resets ALL files to [revision] removing ALL changes made from there
# git reset --soft : Take out the last commit without deleting files or changes made to these. Deletes the last commit
# git reset --soft [revision] :Moves HEAD pointer to other commit but without deleting any changes made in the files
Delete garbage files
# git clean -n : Shows which files is going to remove
# git clean -f : Removes the files without warning
Ignore files from repository
Create file .gitignore in the root's repository directory and add all names to ignore with regular expressions
/[regular expression1] /[regular expression2] …
Clone remote repository
# git clone [HTTPS,GIT or SSH]
Show remote repositories
# git remote
# git remote -v : Also show URL to push and fetch
Show branches
# git branch : Local branches
# git branch -r : Remote branches
Show tags
# git tag
Add remote repository
# git remote add [name] URL
Remove remote repository
# git remote rm origin
“Refresh” all changes made in remote repository
# git fetch
# git fetch [remote name] : In case of multiple remote repositories
Merge updated remote repository
# git merge
# git pull : Like use the "commands git fetch; git merge origin/master", is used to update our local repository
Configure remote branch to mirror our local branch
# git branch -u origin/[remote branch] : Defines the default origin and branch to mirror our local branch
Pushing local commitment to remote repository
# git push
Add tags
# git tag [name] : Tags HEAD
# git tag [name] [revision] : Tags a commitment
# git tag -a [tag] : Adds a tag with a message
# git tag -s [tag] : Adds a signed tag. Needs certificates
# git tag -m [tag] [tag2] : Renames a tag
Push tags
By default git push doesn't push tags
# git push --tags
Create branches
# git branch [branch's name]
# git branch [branch's name] [tag in which is based]
Go to a branches
# git checkout [branch name]
# git checkout -b [branch name] : Creates the branch and goes to it
Rename branches
# git branch -m [old name] [new name]
Delete branches
# git branch -d [branch's name] : Deletes a branch. If this branch is not merged, the only way to delete it is by forcing the deleting and losing all changes in it with:
# git branch -D [branch's name]
Log of all references
# git reflog : Logs of all references where HEAD has pointed (kept during 30 days)
Create a branch from reflog to recover deleted branch
# git branch [branch's name] [commit's SHA]
Take a “snapshot” of current work to continue later with stash
# git stash : Save changes made from HEAD into a stash ares and reverts to HEAD state
# git stash list : Lists stash saved
# git stash apply : Applies stash saved but without dropping stash data
# git stash pop : Applies first stash saved and delete it
# git stash drop : Drops the first stash on the pile
# git stash branch [new branch] : Applies stash onto a new branch
Merge branches
From source branch
# git merge [destination branch]
Merge conflicts
# export GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF=[merge app used]
# git mergetool
Create remote branches
# git push origin [local branch] : Pushes local branch to remote
# git push origin [local branch]:[remote branch] : Pushes local branch as a new remote branch
Delete remote branches
# git push origin :[remote branch] : Same as create, but without the local branch name
List remote branches
# git branch -r
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